Jai Shree Babosa Maharaj Jai Guru Maa Shri Manju Baisa ji Jai Churu Dham

Friday, April 29, 2011

Babosa Darshan - information about subscription process

जय श्री बाबोसा ।

"Babosa Darshan" is a monthly magazine published by Babosa Bhakt Mandal. The main editor of this magazine is Shri Ajay ji Baid. It gives us a glimpse of various events that took place in the last month, along with the program and schedule of forth-comming events/kirtans.

This is a must subscription for all devotees of Lord Shree Babosa Maharaj. Membership fee for this magazine is displayed below:

Duration Fees (in Indian Rupees)
1 Year 251 /-
3 Years 501 /-
Life-long 2100 /-

To subscribe for this magazine, you need to send a draft/cheque of the above mentioned amount in favour of "SHREE BABOSA DARSHAN"along with your postal adress and contact number. Send this draft/cheque to the following address:

Shri Ajay kumar Baid,
S-24, Parampuri Chowk, 2nd Floor,
(In front of Dr. Manoj Birla),
Uttam Nagar,
New Delhi - 110059.

Email: babosadarshan@gmail.com
Phone: 09868238035

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